Match 6 Lotto

Match 6 Lotto is the Pennsylvania Lottery's daily draw game with a $500,000 minimum jackpot that keeps increasing until it's won and can reach more than $5 million! Hit the top prize if you match all six numbers drawn. There are lots of ways to take home a payout, with the chance to win up to four times in every game. Match 6 is a cash-only game with no annuity, so you get the whole prize as a single lump sum.

Match 6 Numbers

Below you'll find the latest winning numbers - check your ticket and see if you're due a prize. Results are updated just after the draw takes place every evening at 6:59 pm ET (ticket sales close at 6:57 pm for that night's draw).

Saturday February 8th 2025
2 16 28 29 30 45

Next Estimated Jackpot
Friday February 7th 2025
2 6 20 25 45 47

Thursday February 6th 2025
6 12 17 24 37 47

Wednesday February 5th 2025
7 9 22 26 43 45

Tuesday February 4th 2025
1 11 13 15 31 45

Monday February 3rd 2025
11 13 39 41 44 48

Sunday February 2nd 2025
1 6 7 11 16 37

How to Play

Grab a playslip and enter your favorite six numbers between 1 and 49. Each play costs $2 and each of the five panels is one play. If you prefer, Quick Pick will randomly generate your numbers.

When your ticket prints, you'll see your six numbers, plus two additional rows of six numbers each auto-generated by the lottery computer. That's a total of 18 numbers for each play, adding more opportunities to match and win.

If you want to play more than one draw with the same numbers, check the Advance Play box - you can enter up to 26 games in advance.

How to Win

Win the jackpot if one of your rows of numbers matches all six of the numbers the lottery draws. If more than one player matches all six numbers, the winners will split the prize.

You can also win a prize by matching three or more of the lottery's numbers in each row. Win one, two, or three prizes depending on how many rows match at least three numbers.

All 18 numbers on your ticket can also be combined for more chances to win; match at least four numbers to receive a prize.

Any prizes you win are added together, so you win the total amount based on the numbers you match on each row and across all 18 numbers.

Match 6 Base Play Prizes and Odds

The table below shows the prizes and odds for each of the three rows (base play). You can win a prize in one, two, or all three rows.

Scroll down to see the prizes and odds using all 18 numbers (combined play).

Match 6 Base Play Prizes and Odds
Match Prize Odds of Winning*
6 of 6 Jackpot 1 in 4,661,272
5 of 6 $1,000 1 in 18,067
4 of 6 $20 1 in 344.47
3 of 6 $2 1 in 19.22
*Odds that one or more rows win that prize tier. More than one row can win.

Match 6 Combined Play Prizes and Odds

In addition to winning a prize on each line, you also have the chance to match four or more across all 18 numbers and win an extra combined play prize.

All combined prizes are set amounts and the overall chance of winning is 1 in 5.90.

Match 6 Combined Play Prizes and Odds
Match Prize Odds of Winning
10 or more of 18 $2,500 1 in 597,303
9 of 18 $1,000 1 in 45,267
8 of 18 $50 1 in 4,440
7 of 18 $25 1 in 590.91
6 of 18 $10 1 in 106.74
5 of 18 $5 1 in 26.37
4 of 18 $2 1 in 9.07